Tinggal tiga minggu lebih je lagi. It's time to send out the invitations! Salah satu cara utk mengutip alamat kawan2 yg updated is thru fb event.. TERIMA KASEH FACEBOOK! muaahh..mmuaahh!!
so i've made my fb event invitation just now..alhamdulillah terus mendapat sambutan..;)
to those who i haven't invite, just wait..insyaallah ada nnti..skrg dah penat tgk laptop..kena offline n sambung esok..
yess dear friends, ada yg terima dua invitations..ada yang tiga,,tu semua event lain2..sila perhati nama events tu ye..dont get confuse..like what i said to a best friend just now, tu la akibatnya bila kahwin dgn clasmate!..circle of friends yg sama, means wan and i have to send out two invitations..cool jugak in a way,, kasik kwn2 puas makan kenduri kami..heeee~
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
baju nikah kami.
dah siap. *lega+sukeeeeee!!!*..bila sampai rumah, terus letakkan sebelah menyebelah my baju and wan's baju..then letakkan kain samping wan sekali..tersangat sweet.! alahai..SAYA SANGAT GEMBIRA..alhamdulillah, urusan baju nikah dah selesai.. tudung+veil will be from kakak mekapku yg comel itu. songkok wan and both kasut kami pun dah sedia..
BAJU NIKAH WAN & WIN dari hujung rambut ke hujung kaki = CHECKED!
BAJU NIKAH WAN & WIN dari hujung rambut ke hujung kaki = CHECKED!
baju nikah dah siap.
gelabah betul rasanya hari ni sebab sekejap lagi nak pegi tgk, try and bawak balik kain baju nikah yang dah siap di-transform menjadi baju nikah..get it? baju yang akan dipakai sewaktu wan sebut "aku terima nikahnya Mazuin binti Hashim dengan mas kahwin RM80 tunai" tu..
harap2 oke.! :)
harap2 oke.! :)
kesinambungan entry : caterer ku salah tarikh
(sila baca entry sebelum ni sebelum baca entry ni. terima kasih)
maka saya terus immediately call caterer yang satu lagi. datuk tu yg akan cater food for my wedding on sunday..
win: datuk, bila tarikh wedding saya?
datuk: erk.. bulan depan kan? 27 haribulan mac
win: alhamdulillah..betul2..
datuk: kenapa tanya cmtu?
win: (menceritakan fasal caterer yg satu lagi)
datuk: oh..tidak2...kita tahu tarikh kita bila. jgn risau.
win: baik. bye.
hahahahahhahahaha..tenang sikit hati ni.
maka saya terus immediately call caterer yang satu lagi. datuk tu yg akan cater food for my wedding on sunday..
win: datuk, bila tarikh wedding saya?
datuk: erk.. bulan depan kan? 27 haribulan mac
win: alhamdulillah..betul2..
datuk: kenapa tanya cmtu?
win: (menceritakan fasal caterer yg satu lagi)
datuk: oh..tidak2...kita tahu tarikh kita bila. jgn risau.
win: baik. bye.
hahahahahhahahaha..tenang sikit hati ni.
caterer ku salah tarikh!
fakta: my nikah day will be on saturday the 26th..
fakta: semalam adalah saturday the 26th..
sama kan? tapi ofcourse la sampai ke pagi ni, saya belum dinikahkan lagi..sebab, semalam baru lah 26 FEBRUARI 2011.. sedangkan my date is not in FEBRUARI.
rupanya ada org confuse. MY CATERER FOR NIKAH CEREMONY TELAH HANTAR MAKANAN PADA 26 FEBRUARI 2011, IAITU SEMALAM. dia pelik, sebab bila dia sampai, rumah takde org, takde rupa mcm kenduri pon..memanglah bang, kendurinya bulan depan.! nasib baik caterer yg utk 100 org yg buat silap. kalau yg utk 1000 org buat silap mcm mana? naya la!
walaupun dia tidak menyatakan bahawa dia memang silap 100% (seolah-olah nak put the blame on me), tapi mujur dia tidak charge saya pun. sebab saya yang plan and uruskan wedding saya sendiri..takkan saya boleh tersilap tarikh wedding sendiri kot..? no way man..lagi pulak, i'm preparing bagai nak rak macam org obsess, saya tidak silap. awak yg silap. sori sikit ye. geram btol.
anyway, hubungan baik terpelihara, dia kate "takpelah, dah nak silap nak buat macam mana?" lalu meninggalkan sedikit makanan tersebut ke orang2 rumah saya. maka semalam kami makan sedap! heheh. thanks btw abg caterer. tapi seriously, i did not tell u that my kenduri is 26th FEBRUARY oke? please,please accept that fact.
fakta: semalam adalah saturday the 26th..
sama kan? tapi ofcourse la sampai ke pagi ni, saya belum dinikahkan lagi..sebab, semalam baru lah 26 FEBRUARI 2011.. sedangkan my date is not in FEBRUARI.
rupanya ada org confuse. MY CATERER FOR NIKAH CEREMONY TELAH HANTAR MAKANAN PADA 26 FEBRUARI 2011, IAITU SEMALAM. dia pelik, sebab bila dia sampai, rumah takde org, takde rupa mcm kenduri pon..memanglah bang, kendurinya bulan depan.! nasib baik caterer yg utk 100 org yg buat silap. kalau yg utk 1000 org buat silap mcm mana? naya la!
walaupun dia tidak menyatakan bahawa dia memang silap 100% (seolah-olah nak put the blame on me), tapi mujur dia tidak charge saya pun. sebab saya yang plan and uruskan wedding saya sendiri..takkan saya boleh tersilap tarikh wedding sendiri kot..? no way man..lagi pulak, i'm preparing bagai nak rak macam org obsess, saya tidak silap. awak yg silap. sori sikit ye. geram btol.
anyway, hubungan baik terpelihara, dia kate "takpelah, dah nak silap nak buat macam mana?" lalu meninggalkan sedikit makanan tersebut ke orang2 rumah saya. maka semalam kami makan sedap! heheh. thanks btw abg caterer. tapi seriously, i did not tell u that my kenduri is 26th FEBRUARY oke? please,please accept that fact.
Monday, February 21, 2011
fitting baju!
yess..semalam!. omg..my baju bersanding dah siap and sangat gorgeous!! whoohoooooooooooo
tapi bila fitting, oppss..rupanye saya mengurus..kena adjust baju tu, buang 1 inci kiri, 1 inci kanan.. byk nye beza..tetapi perlu ke berat badan ditambah? tak perlu!!!.sbb kalau berat bertambah, shape tak berubah, cuma perut sahaja maju ke depan..so tak payah susah2..lgpun 3 kali kakak tu cakap "awk cantik je pakai baju ni sebab kurus, tinggi.." hahahaha
*saya dah kembang-kembang*
baju bersanding = CHECKED!
final fitting = 5mac2011.
tapi bila fitting, oppss..rupanye saya mengurus..kena adjust baju tu, buang 1 inci kiri, 1 inci kanan.. byk nye beza..tetapi perlu ke berat badan ditambah? tak perlu!!!.sbb kalau berat bertambah, shape tak berubah, cuma perut sahaja maju ke depan..so tak payah susah2..lgpun 3 kali kakak tu cakap "awk cantik je pakai baju ni sebab kurus, tinggi.." hahahaha
*saya dah kembang-kembang*
baju bersanding = CHECKED!
final fitting = 5mac2011.
Friday, February 18, 2011
penunjuk arah
walaupun dalam kad ada peta, tapi penunjuk arah still plays an important part. deny it all u want, but it's true.
so semalam saya sudah print penunjuk arah saya! :) for both sides of kenduri! since around my house there are too many landmarks, jadi penunjuk arah saya ada 3 sahaja, oke kwn2? tapi memandangkan rumah wan jauh dari landmark, jadi penunjuk arah dia diletakkan dari tol exit UPM sehinggalah dekat rumah wan, total ada 9 semuanya..yess, 9! :) biar banyak asal orang sampai.
mine are printed on pink papers and his are on peach. cari yg A3 bukan A4 oke? ;P
jadi, penunjuk arah = CHECKED!
so semalam saya sudah print penunjuk arah saya! :) for both sides of kenduri! since around my house there are too many landmarks, jadi penunjuk arah saya ada 3 sahaja, oke kwn2? tapi memandangkan rumah wan jauh dari landmark, jadi penunjuk arah dia diletakkan dari tol exit UPM sehinggalah dekat rumah wan, total ada 9 semuanya..yess, 9! :) biar banyak asal orang sampai.
mine are printed on pink papers and his are on peach. cari yg A3 bukan A4 oke? ;P
jadi, penunjuk arah = CHECKED!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
sila fikir kuat.
percaya atau tidak, semua perkara dalam wedding list telahpun berjaya untuk:
- disediakan sampai siap; atau
- telah disediakan tapi (oleh sebab tak boleh disiapkan awal2) akan disiapkan dekat2 nak sampai tarikh nanti.
patutlah tak panic. sekarang adalah masa untuk fikir kuat-kuat, apa lagi yang tertinggal.? cepat fikir!
kad jemputan kahwin ~ final?
yess..this time memang betul2 final.
the wedding card package with this stupid pffttt wedding card shop includes cards, boxes and buntings..
the cards and buntings have long arrived and safely kept in my house..but up till yesterday, i hv yet to received the boxes. the reason being "no stock"!
last week i called to complain that 18 of my wedding cards have no inlay in it (that made me furious by the way)..such lame defect huh? yeah, as lame as this shop. they informed me that they can remedy that for me, but since i was also waiting for the boxes stock to arrive, they asked me to come by the shop next wednesday (yesterday).
so yesterday, after calling them several times, asking whether the boxes are ready, i came to the bloody shop with mum and sis. while i was there, they quickly counted the boxes and with a big smile they said "ni boxes dah cukup" dalam hati aku "u better cukup this time, kalau tak aku bakar kedai ni!" tapi di luar hati, hanya senyuman, bukan apa, dah kali keempat dtg, they didn't get to me anymore..dah tak kuasa nak marah.
tiba2 budak lelaki si designer amature kad kami itu ckp "kak, inlay utk kad tu tak ada la, boleh ke kita ganti dengan boxes"..i calmly replied "tak boleh"..so he spoke to the fon with (i'm sure) that stupid girl from before. and then again he asked "kak, kita gantikan kad dgn kotak2 ye?" and again i replied "taknak, saya nak kad" kelam kabot dia *ahaahah*
rupanya adik aku sorg ni dah panas da muka dia..dia pulak yg marah and she said "kalau kita dah marah dah"..well ira, u know what, this is the fourth time i've been coming here, there is no f**king use of getting mad, if they are stupid as a cow, they will always be as stupid as a cow..get it? so again, i smile. :)
tiba2 perempuan bertudung sorang lagi ni yg plg amature and bodoh pegi tanya soalan paling bodoh dalam dunia ni, "kak, kita kasik akak softcopy, akak print sendiri boleh ke"..muka ira dah panas, dah menggeleng kepala..tapi aku jwb, "saya tanak softcopy, saya nak inlay"..dia dengan beraninya tanya lagi "kita ada softcopy, akak boleh print je"..i answered, calmly still "kalau saya kena print, inlay ni depan belakang, lari lah (margin) dia"..the bitch stopped asking after that,
sambil menunggu si budak lelaki designer amature itu, tiba2 ada sepasang lovebirds dtg, obviously a customer.mintak dorg punye bunting.perempuan bitch tu suro dorg pegi kedai lg satu kat bwh..couple tu complain la "kitorg dari bwh, di suro naik atas, then di suro turun balik"..perempuan bitch ckp "tapi kak, memang ada kat bawah"..so couple tu malas nak argue, then mereka turun je. kasihan.!
tiba2 budak lelaki si designer tu dtg, "kak ni kan kad akak?".."yes!".. dia ckp lagi, "ni ada lebih dari 18 ni saya kasik akak ye"..then i answered "boleh pun".. he chuckled je. tapi ada jugak inlay yg dipasang tu terbalik! bodoh kan dorg ni?
selepas chow, terserempak dengan perempuan bodoh yg mula2 dulu, dia tegur "dah selesai kak?" aku jawab "harap kali ni cukup lah bilangan kotak ni ye".. ira tergelak kuat. ahahaha,,padan muka kau perempuan..ty lagi.
sampai ke kereta, terus bukak enjin n aircond, duduk la kami bertiga mengira boxes takot tak cukup..sebabnya, dah terlampau serik tak mahu pegi kedai ni lagi dah..EVER! turned out boxes tu cukup n berlebih 7 lagi! *alhamdulillah*
maka dengan ini saya berikrar dan berjanji tidak akan menjejakkan kaki saya lagi ke KEDAI KAD KAHWIN AMAZON DI PERTAMA COMPLEX, KUALA LUMPUR dan saya berikrar untuk mewar-warkan kepada kwn2 saya supaya jangan menjadi mangsa kedai tersebut sewaktu mereka ingin menempah kad kahwin mereka nanti.!
by the way,
wedding card = CHECKED!
bunting = CHECKED!
boxes for gifts = CHECKED!
the wedding card package with this stupid pffttt wedding card shop includes cards, boxes and buntings..
the cards and buntings have long arrived and safely kept in my house..but up till yesterday, i hv yet to received the boxes. the reason being "no stock"!
last week i called to complain that 18 of my wedding cards have no inlay in it (that made me furious by the way)..such lame defect huh? yeah, as lame as this shop. they informed me that they can remedy that for me, but since i was also waiting for the boxes stock to arrive, they asked me to come by the shop next wednesday (yesterday).
so yesterday, after calling them several times, asking whether the boxes are ready, i came to the bloody shop with mum and sis. while i was there, they quickly counted the boxes and with a big smile they said "ni boxes dah cukup" dalam hati aku "u better cukup this time, kalau tak aku bakar kedai ni!" tapi di luar hati, hanya senyuman, bukan apa, dah kali keempat dtg, they didn't get to me anymore..dah tak kuasa nak marah.
tiba2 budak lelaki si designer amature kad kami itu ckp "kak, inlay utk kad tu tak ada la, boleh ke kita ganti dengan boxes"..i calmly replied "tak boleh"..so he spoke to the fon with (i'm sure) that stupid girl from before. and then again he asked "kak, kita gantikan kad dgn kotak2 ye?" and again i replied "taknak, saya nak kad" kelam kabot dia *ahaahah*
rupanya adik aku sorg ni dah panas da muka dia..dia pulak yg marah and she said "kalau kita dah marah dah"..well ira, u know what, this is the fourth time i've been coming here, there is no f**king use of getting mad, if they are stupid as a cow, they will always be as stupid as a cow..get it? so again, i smile. :)
tiba2 perempuan bertudung sorang lagi ni yg plg amature and bodoh pegi tanya soalan paling bodoh dalam dunia ni, "kak, kita kasik akak softcopy, akak print sendiri boleh ke"..muka ira dah panas, dah menggeleng kepala..tapi aku jwb, "saya tanak softcopy, saya nak inlay"..dia dengan beraninya tanya lagi "kita ada softcopy, akak boleh print je"..i answered, calmly still "kalau saya kena print, inlay ni depan belakang, lari lah (margin) dia"..the bitch stopped asking after that,
sambil menunggu si budak lelaki designer amature itu, tiba2 ada sepasang lovebirds dtg, obviously a customer.mintak dorg punye bunting.perempuan bitch tu suro dorg pegi kedai lg satu kat bwh..couple tu complain la "kitorg dari bwh, di suro naik atas, then di suro turun balik"..perempuan bitch ckp "tapi kak, memang ada kat bawah"..so couple tu malas nak argue, then mereka turun je. kasihan.!
tiba2 budak lelaki si designer tu dtg, "kak ni kan kad akak?".."yes!".. dia ckp lagi, "ni ada lebih dari 18 ni saya kasik akak ye"..then i answered "boleh pun".. he chuckled je. tapi ada jugak inlay yg dipasang tu terbalik! bodoh kan dorg ni?
selepas chow, terserempak dengan perempuan bodoh yg mula2 dulu, dia tegur "dah selesai kak?" aku jawab "harap kali ni cukup lah bilangan kotak ni ye".. ira tergelak kuat. ahahaha,,padan muka kau perempuan..ty lagi.
sampai ke kereta, terus bukak enjin n aircond, duduk la kami bertiga mengira boxes takot tak cukup..sebabnya, dah terlampau serik tak mahu pegi kedai ni lagi dah..EVER! turned out boxes tu cukup n berlebih 7 lagi! *alhamdulillah*
maka dengan ini saya berikrar dan berjanji tidak akan menjejakkan kaki saya lagi ke KEDAI KAD KAHWIN AMAZON DI PERTAMA COMPLEX, KUALA LUMPUR dan saya berikrar untuk mewar-warkan kepada kwn2 saya supaya jangan menjadi mangsa kedai tersebut sewaktu mereka ingin menempah kad kahwin mereka nanti.!
by the way,
wedding card = CHECKED!
bunting = CHECKED!
boxes for gifts = CHECKED!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
cerita DJ
cerita DJ (i mean PA System) pulak,
i sent out zillions of email asking for quotation DJ. only 4 replied:
the first one tersangat mahal sebab siap ada penyanyi lagi.
second one agak mahal sebab pakej dia include pengacara majlis yang profesional.
the third one, price dia sgt berpatutan tapi recently just divorced,
and last but not least, harga dia too cheap
the first and second tak mau lah sebab tak perlu penyanyi n pengacara. buatnye penyanyi suara aneh cmne kan? pengacara tak perlu sebab my majlis adalah majlis kahwen biasa yg people come and go tu...bukannya majlis yg ada aturcara dan masa yg fixed.
the third one, takot dia tak profesional n turn my majlis into a sad one sebab ironi kan a recently divorced guy jadik dj majlis kahwin. nanti pasang semua lagu sedih and benci perempuan, haru.
the fourth one, too cheap takot tak bes pulak servis dia sbb murah sgt, org baru ke kayu ke? tak tau lah tu.
selepas 2 minggu mencari, akhirnya semalam, DJ dah confirm. bukannya salah satu dpd 4 yg di atas pun.
the other day, dekat wedding colleague mindef (yang sama dgn kompang), besides kompang yang sedap (tapi mahal) tu, DJ dia pun cool je. bersahaja dan flexible..siap bwk mic pegi ke pintu pagar nak tunggu pengantin lelaki sampai,..DJ yg tak kayu n tak rigid...harga pun berpatutan dengan harga semasa.
i asked for his card during wedding tu. tapi dia tak available. adik dia (merangkap partner dia) ada. he assured me that his brother lebih kurang mcm style dia.tak dpt abg dpt adik dia, oke la tu kot.insyaallah oke :)
i sent out zillions of email asking for quotation DJ. only 4 replied:
the first one tersangat mahal sebab siap ada penyanyi lagi.
second one agak mahal sebab pakej dia include pengacara majlis yang profesional.
the third one, price dia sgt berpatutan tapi recently just divorced,
and last but not least, harga dia too cheap
the first and second tak mau lah sebab tak perlu penyanyi n pengacara. buatnye penyanyi suara aneh cmne kan? pengacara tak perlu sebab my majlis adalah majlis kahwen biasa yg people come and go tu...bukannya majlis yg ada aturcara dan masa yg fixed.
the third one, takot dia tak profesional n turn my majlis into a sad one sebab ironi kan a recently divorced guy jadik dj majlis kahwin. nanti pasang semua lagu sedih and benci perempuan, haru.
the fourth one, too cheap takot tak bes pulak servis dia sbb murah sgt, org baru ke kayu ke? tak tau lah tu.
selepas 2 minggu mencari, akhirnya semalam, DJ dah confirm. bukannya salah satu dpd 4 yg di atas pun.
the other day, dekat wedding colleague mindef (yang sama dgn kompang), besides kompang yang sedap (tapi mahal) tu, DJ dia pun cool je. bersahaja dan flexible..siap bwk mic pegi ke pintu pagar nak tunggu pengantin lelaki sampai,..DJ yg tak kayu n tak rigid...harga pun berpatutan dengan harga semasa.
i asked for his card during wedding tu. tapi dia tak available. adik dia (merangkap partner dia) ada. he assured me that his brother lebih kurang mcm style dia.tak dpt abg dpt adik dia, oke la tu kot.insyaallah oke :)
cerita kompang lagi.
kompang yang di gombak, group yang main dekat wedding my colleague kat mindef raya cina yg lepas charge sampai RM450..i think that is too much :(..wlaupun sedap bunyi kompang dorg, terpaksa jugak let go.
kalau group kompang dari linggi nak charge RM500 oke lah considering kos transport utk 20 org kan? tapi ni kat gombak dorg charge smpai byk mcm tu. tak dpt lah.
apapun, kompang dah confirm dah, thanks to wan.
kompang: CHECKED!
kalau group kompang dari linggi nak charge RM500 oke lah considering kos transport utk 20 org kan? tapi ni kat gombak dorg charge smpai byk mcm tu. tak dpt lah.
apapun, kompang dah confirm dah, thanks to wan.
kompang: CHECKED!
bunga telur & bunga manggar 2
seronoknya bulan februari byk cuti free..membuatkan byk benda boleh diuruskan tanpa kena mintak cuti..:)
so yesterday wan and i and mum and sis went to Nilai..carik bunga telur n bunga manggar..
bunga telur: CHECKED!
bunga manggar: CHECKED!
mak n ira semalam jadik gila tgk bunga (so did i)..skrg dah contemplating nak guna bunga fresh or artificial?? bunga fresh mmg jauh lg cantik tapikan, kena buat last2 minit..too many things to do kan last minute? i'm not a last minute person, i am not! hmm..we'll see how.
p/s lantern or lamp? :)
so yesterday wan and i and mum and sis went to Nilai..carik bunga telur n bunga manggar..
bunga telur: CHECKED!
bunga manggar: CHECKED!
mak n ira semalam jadik gila tgk bunga (so did i)..skrg dah contemplating nak guna bunga fresh or artificial?? bunga fresh mmg jauh lg cantik tapikan, kena buat last2 minit..too many things to do kan last minute? i'm not a last minute person, i am not! hmm..we'll see how.
p/s lantern or lamp? :)
Monday, February 14, 2011
doorgift 2
doorgift utk semua tetamu - CHECKED!
kotak utk isi gift rabu ni dpt semua, kiranya dah selesai..& isi nya pun dah settle..terima kaseh kepada sponsor2 yang memberi isi2 nya atau memberi diskaun utk isi2 nya. mmmuuaahhh!!
kotak utk isi gift rabu ni dpt semua, kiranya dah selesai..& isi nya pun dah settle..terima kaseh kepada sponsor2 yang memberi isi2 nya atau memberi diskaun utk isi2 nya. mmmuuaahhh!!
borang-borang kahwin for her
borang yg kena isi:
1. borang 1 - 2 salinan
(kena dpt kan pengesahan imam di kariah masing2)
requirements yg perlu:
1. HIV Test
2. Kursus Kahwin
documentation yg perlu fotostat:
1. i.c. - 1 salinan
2. sijil kursus kahwin - 1 salinan
3. i.c. ayah (atau wali) - 1 salinan
4. surat nikah parents - 1 salinan
kepilkan semua dokumen di atas dan dokumen tunang anda (yg dah lengkap) dan hantar ke pejabat agama utk dptkan borang hijau tu...!
dah dpt borang hijau, either keep it or imam kariah anda akan simpan sehingga tarikh nikah, oke?
1. borang 1 - 2 salinan
(kena dpt kan pengesahan imam di kariah masing2)
requirements yg perlu:
1. HIV Test
2. Kursus Kahwin
documentation yg perlu fotostat:
1. i.c. - 1 salinan
2. sijil kursus kahwin - 1 salinan
3. i.c. ayah (atau wali) - 1 salinan
4. surat nikah parents - 1 salinan
kepilkan semua dokumen di atas dan dokumen tunang anda (yg dah lengkap) dan hantar ke pejabat agama utk dptkan borang hijau tu...!
dah dpt borang hijau, either keep it or imam kariah anda akan simpan sehingga tarikh nikah, oke?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
dearest friends, i am in the midst of collecting your addresses for an obvious reason..please email me ur addresses mazuin.hashim@yahoo.com OR pm me @facebook.. OR leave a comment here OR sms me, call me OR any way that u think fits u well.. for those who i have ur names listed as invitees, i'll send u a card..~
i seriously like the idea of giving edible things to the guess.. walau sedikit, bolehlah buat kunyah2 kan..? budak2 pun suke.
besides that, i also like the idea of giving telur to the guess..it's our tradition..i should preserve that tradition..
i think i've made my mind..but so long as nothing has been bought yet, ideas are just ideas and they may be changed, depending on the circumstances.
doorgift: CHECKED!
besides that, i also like the idea of giving telur to the guess..it's our tradition..i should preserve that tradition..
i think i've made my mind..but so long as nothing has been bought yet, ideas are just ideas and they may be changed, depending on the circumstances.
doorgift: CHECKED!
Friday, February 11, 2011
*pelamin + baju* mcm mana ni???
*shivering*..baju untuk wedding my side dah siap...ahad depan boleh pegi tgk n buat early fitting..! excited + takot.. ada banyak sgt "what ifs" dalam kepala skrg.. ni lah padahnya bertempah baju wedding.. kan lebih baik sewa apa yg dah ada? mcm baju untuk wedding wan's side..dah tau cmne rupanya..hati pun tenang je..:) (but then baju baru lagi lah best..kan?)..contoh what ifs?:
1. what if my badan berubah shape (ramai org takot gemok) what if i lose more weight and baju tu loose? mmg boleh adjust, tp sekeping je la..tak cantek btol badan terlampau sekeping..org kata tinggi kurus ala model konon..tu org putih boleh la. org msia suka yg gebu2..(haha)
2. i asked for 2 specific colours..the other day, they don't really agree with the second colour..they suggest other colour, i was oke with their suggested colour but i insisted to have them follow my colours..they said oke..but what if they are not oke?? then rosak la segala2 nya,, sebab my family's going to pakai theme kaler kedua tu..kalau dia tuka, my family tak kena dgn my theme..wth??
bila perkara ini dibincang dengan wan, dia ckp, "ur what ifs won't happen darling.." haha..me, freaking out? normal.!
anyway..i should be googling pelamin2 yg best..sbb next ahad bila pergi tgk baju + fitting tu, we'll be discussing design pelamin jugak..then utk my side, perkara baju sanding + pelamin akan settle, cuma tunggu masa shj *heaven*
44days left..uuuu :)
1. what if my badan berubah shape (ramai org takot gemok) what if i lose more weight and baju tu loose? mmg boleh adjust, tp sekeping je la..tak cantek btol badan terlampau sekeping..org kata tinggi kurus ala model konon..tu org putih boleh la. org msia suka yg gebu2..(haha)
2. i asked for 2 specific colours..the other day, they don't really agree with the second colour..they suggest other colour, i was oke with their suggested colour but i insisted to have them follow my colours..they said oke..but what if they are not oke?? then rosak la segala2 nya,, sebab my family's going to pakai theme kaler kedua tu..kalau dia tuka, my family tak kena dgn my theme..wth??
bila perkara ini dibincang dengan wan, dia ckp, "ur what ifs won't happen darling.." haha..me, freaking out? normal.!
anyway..i should be googling pelamin2 yg best..sbb next ahad bila pergi tgk baju + fitting tu, we'll be discussing design pelamin jugak..then utk my side, perkara baju sanding + pelamin akan settle, cuma tunggu masa shj *heaven*
44days left..uuuu :)
EXAMPLES OF A BIG NO NO FOR ME:

Thursday, February 10, 2011
mlm td with mum n sisters, kami pergi flower shop. tujuan? untuk tunjuk kat mak harga dia mcm mana, so dia boleh tolong decide banyak mana dan jenis apa nak beli..bila sampai, masuklah freezer room tu.
tapi agak kecewa bila tengok bunga ada sikit je.sikit sgt..tak sampai 40% dpd banyaknya bunga masa 1st time dtg situ. tapi takpelah bukannya nak beli terus kan? nak order dulu, sebab banyak.
so pegi lah ke satu2 jenis bunga, tertunduk2 tgk harga.. ingat kan last time harga bunga kat situ macam mana? (http://awinthinksitstime.blogspot.com/2011/01/floristika-bangsar.html)
geramnye, semalam harga roses RM36?..mana yang RM22 tu? gerber daisy pun dah layu2 je..n tak ada price tag..berapa harga dia ni..mak sampai tanya..mana bunga yang murah? sume mhl je..ntah lah mak.. mari pergi tanya budak2 staf kedai ni
cepat2 cari staff kedai tu n tanya:
win: the other day i came here there are bunch of roses that cost RM22 per bouquet..do u still have it? because i saw those with RM36 price tag only
staf: those RM36 are similar with those RM22 that u saw before this. they are the same
win: that's very expensive. why is that? (dah mula kecewa yang teramat sangat dan mula berfikir untuk settle down dgn bunga artificial)
staf: because of the valentine's day miss.
win: ohhh..(lega!!) so the price won't stay that way for very long, rite?
staf: rite.
win: (semakin lega dan mula tersenyum2 sendiri, tak pyh fikir artificial flowers!) so when will the price be reduced to it's original state?
staf: i think during march. because the valentine's day price is going to be applicable throughout february only. can i have ur contact number so i can contact and inform u as soon as the price is decreased.
hahahahahah..leganya hati ni!!..lega sangat..tadi dah cuak dah..naseb baek..heeee.sekian.
tapi agak kecewa bila tengok bunga ada sikit je.sikit sgt..tak sampai 40% dpd banyaknya bunga masa 1st time dtg situ. tapi takpelah bukannya nak beli terus kan? nak order dulu, sebab banyak.
so pegi lah ke satu2 jenis bunga, tertunduk2 tgk harga.. ingat kan last time harga bunga kat situ macam mana? (http://awinthinksitstime.blogspot.com/2011/01/floristika-bangsar.html)
geramnye, semalam harga roses RM36?..mana yang RM22 tu? gerber daisy pun dah layu2 je..n tak ada price tag..berapa harga dia ni..mak sampai tanya..mana bunga yang murah? sume mhl je..ntah lah mak.. mari pergi tanya budak2 staf kedai ni
cepat2 cari staff kedai tu n tanya:
win: the other day i came here there are bunch of roses that cost RM22 per bouquet..do u still have it? because i saw those with RM36 price tag only
staf: those RM36 are similar with those RM22 that u saw before this. they are the same
win: that's very expensive. why is that? (dah mula kecewa yang teramat sangat dan mula berfikir untuk settle down dgn bunga artificial)
staf: because of the valentine's day miss.
win: ohhh..(lega!!) so the price won't stay that way for very long, rite?
staf: rite.
win: (semakin lega dan mula tersenyum2 sendiri, tak pyh fikir artificial flowers!) so when will the price be reduced to it's original state?
staf: i think during march. because the valentine's day price is going to be applicable throughout february only. can i have ur contact number so i can contact and inform u as soon as the price is decreased.
hahahahahah..leganya hati ni!!..lega sangat..tadi dah cuak dah..naseb baek..heeee.sekian.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
bunga telur & bunga manggar
next mission adalah: bunga telur hunting..warna tema senang nak cari. tapi nak cari yang sepuas hati punya cantek, kena la merayau semahu-mahunya. hunting bunga telur sambil beli material untuk bunga manggar. saya nak bunga manggar yang rimbun. boleh?

apabila mengiring pengantin, siapa yang paling sesuai dijadikan budak bunga manggar? Is dengan As oke kot? tapi As tu kecik lagi, susah nak control. hmm..to be decided soon.
Monday, February 7, 2011
sesudah wan mengira kad nya..
sepatutnya ada 1000 keping.:
win nye tak cukup 20,.wan nye terlebih 10.., so after sum up everything, mana lagi 10 tu????
wan nye semua oke,.. win nye 18 tiada inlay..how??
kotak yg dipesan juga tiada stok..dari haritu..sampai bila nak tunggu..tolong pantas sikit..aku nak sekkkarrranngg! supaya boleh pegi amek n tak payah dtg tgk muka kau lagi..bodoh!
makin geram dgn org kad kahwin ni..hello, I hate u kedai kad kahwin amazon di Pertama Complex, kau bikin aku panasss..
win nye tak cukup 20,.wan nye terlebih 10.., so after sum up everything, mana lagi 10 tu????
wan nye semua oke,.. win nye 18 tiada inlay..how??
kotak yg dipesan juga tiada stok..dari haritu..sampai bila nak tunggu..tolong pantas sikit..aku nak sekkkarrranngg! supaya boleh pegi amek n tak payah dtg tgk muka kau lagi..bodoh!
makin geram dgn org kad kahwin ni..hello, I hate u kedai kad kahwin amazon di Pertama Complex, kau bikin aku panasss..
sesi melipat kad jemputan kahwin
sambil tengok tv di hari ahad yang indah, tangan ni leka melipat kad yang tersusun tinggi di ruang tamu ni..bessss je rasa hati ni..tapi kadang2 rasa panas jugak sikit sbb inlay yang mereka tampal di bahagian dalam kad ini dilekatkan senget, almaklumlah amatur buat kerja kan?? (i seriously don't recommend these people!!!)..bila terlekat senget, maka bila lipat jugak, inlay jadi renyuk la. tapi takde choice sbb nak cabot inlay tu karang koyak pulak. langsung tak payah.
ada jugak inlay yang langsung tak lekat pada kad..itu takpe lah sbb boleh la gam kan sendiri..sampai la tahap kebengangan yang tertinggi sekali apabila mendapati terdapat 18 kad yang kosong shj, inlay langsung tak ada!!!!!!!!! arggghhhhhh...gilaaaaaa la dorg ni!!!!! tak sukeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! tak pasal2 kena pegi menghadap muka bodoh dorg sekali lagi untuk komplen fasal 18 kad ni..
mak ckp "naseb baik ko buat kad awal2..boleh la mintak diremedikan" iyer mak,, syukur..syukur
tapi takpelah, sabar aja lah..sebab dalam 100% kad hanya 5% yang reject..1% kene gam sendiri.. btw, i still love my card..♥♥♥
ada jugak inlay yang langsung tak lekat pada kad..itu takpe lah sbb boleh la gam kan sendiri..sampai la tahap kebengangan yang tertinggi sekali apabila mendapati terdapat 18 kad yang kosong shj, inlay langsung tak ada!!!!!!!!! arggghhhhhh...gilaaaaaa la dorg ni!!!!! tak sukeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! tak pasal2 kena pegi menghadap muka bodoh dorg sekali lagi untuk komplen fasal 18 kad ni..
mak ckp "naseb baik ko buat kad awal2..boleh la mintak diremedikan" iyer mak,, syukur..syukur
tapi takpelah, sabar aja lah..sebab dalam 100% kad hanya 5% yang reject..1% kene gam sendiri.. btw, i still love my card..♥♥♥
Sunday, February 6, 2011
when should i post the cards?
since the wedding invitation cards are done, my dad has been asking me to bring them along when we go to some places,..distributing them is his intention.
but then, it's only early February, we can't distribute cards this soon..! or people may forget about the wedding date as soon as march arrives. the best time will be within two weeks before the actual date..
so i reminded my dad and he said "oh yes. i agree with u.." i guess i am not the only one whose excited about the wedding..:)
but then, it's only early February, we can't distribute cards this soon..! or people may forget about the wedding date as soon as march arrives. the best time will be within two weeks before the actual date..
so i reminded my dad and he said "oh yes. i agree with u.." i guess i am not the only one whose excited about the wedding..:)
more about rumah.
first, we are going to need curtains..all windows are accounted for..5 panels..colour?? of course.. :)
second, we are going to need refrigerator..i can't survive without ice-cold water..pleaseeee
third, a bed and a mattress..for where we are going to sleep in..
fourth, washing machine...please don't let me wash our clothes manually! i've had enough of that during study-years :)
and fifth, dapur+gas..i prefer home-cooked food..since we are going to have refrigerator on the upper list, we can store everything there..
but, after the wedding, we should focus on painting the house first..so when we are actually moving in, we don't need to make ourselves comfortable with the odour of the paint..(if so happens that we don't use the odourless one..! heeehe) and yes,, i need my darling to cut off the grass...oh wait, it's not grass, it's lalang.!!
then, only after that, we'll move in, and slowly fill the house with furniture..it's nice to get a chance to refresh our lives together, especially when we have to work on the finance on our own, penat lelah, hasil titik peluh sendiri. And a big thanks to our families, both sides, for emotional and physical support..
second, we are going to need refrigerator..i can't survive without ice-cold water..pleaseeee
third, a bed and a mattress..for where we are going to sleep in..
fourth, washing machine...please don't let me wash our clothes manually! i've had enough of that during study-years :)
and fifth, dapur+gas..i prefer home-cooked food..since we are going to have refrigerator on the upper list, we can store everything there..
but, after the wedding, we should focus on painting the house first..so when we are actually moving in, we don't need to make ourselves comfortable with the odour of the paint..(if so happens that we don't use the odourless one..! heeehe) and yes,, i need my darling to cut off the grass...oh wait, it's not grass, it's lalang.!!
then, only after that, we'll move in, and slowly fill the house with furniture..it's nice to get a chance to refresh our lives together, especially when we have to work on the finance on our own, penat lelah, hasil titik peluh sendiri. And a big thanks to our families, both sides, for emotional and physical support..
i've mentioned this on my primary blog..
here is our plan fasal rumah selepas wedding:
the truth is we can afford house rental, what we find hard to afford is the deposit..the deposit will usually includes two months rental + the bills, letrik dan air + first month rental.
if and only if the rental is going to be RM600, we are going to need RM2000 for starters..(please do the math)..if we are going to stay in KL, a decent apartment costs RM600 per month, a nicer one, RM800..of course, we are not considering any apartment that costs more than that, seriously, for what kan?? but luckily (?? or did i mean sadly) we are not going to rent any apartment in KL, so the cost will be reduced...
deposit is affordable still, but can i choose not to pay any deposit and just pay the rental instead..where can we find a house which the owner has no intention of collecting deposit??
well, this is not a new story nor it's a new plan..we've found it, the house, soon to be our house, nice and quiet place, affordable, comfortable, and best of all, no need to pay the deposit..just the rent..!! just like what we need. *big smile* :)
here is our plan fasal rumah selepas wedding:
the truth is we can afford house rental, what we find hard to afford is the deposit..the deposit will usually includes two months rental + the bills, letrik dan air + first month rental.
if and only if the rental is going to be RM600, we are going to need RM2000 for starters..(please do the math)..if we are going to stay in KL, a decent apartment costs RM600 per month, a nicer one, RM800..of course, we are not considering any apartment that costs more than that, seriously, for what kan?? but luckily (?? or did i mean sadly) we are not going to rent any apartment in KL, so the cost will be reduced...
deposit is affordable still, but can i choose not to pay any deposit and just pay the rental instead..where can we find a house which the owner has no intention of collecting deposit??
well, this is not a new story nor it's a new plan..we've found it, the house, soon to be our house, nice and quiet place, affordable, comfortable, and best of all, no need to pay the deposit..just the rent..!! just like what we need. *big smile* :)
Friday, February 4, 2011
another big question comes to mind,,..how to plan cuti? especially when the wedding and menyambut menantu are separated by one week...i can't imagine working in between events..our minds are focused on so many things but work!! we are going to be exhausted because of the kenduri lagi, pindah masuk rumah baru lepas tu, mentally and physically man!!..
my nature of work doesn't really tie me up so tightly, in other words i can cuti panjang2..but wan's nature of work prohibits him from taking long leaves..kesiannya dia! dah la dgn bos baru!! if tak ley cuti panjang, when should we go for our first honeymoon then?? (or should we just settled with our 2nd honeymoon in July?? thus that becomes THE ONLY honeymoon??) (plus, in july we are no longer pengantin baru, are we??)
whatever happens, wan needs to decide soon..so it will not b too late to make a reservation there..whatever/however his decision is going to be, i'm with him.
my nature of work doesn't really tie me up so tightly, in other words i can cuti panjang2..but wan's nature of work prohibits him from taking long leaves..kesiannya dia! dah la dgn bos baru!! if tak ley cuti panjang, when should we go for our first honeymoon then?? (or should we just settled with our 2nd honeymoon in July?? thus that becomes THE ONLY honeymoon??) (plus, in july we are no longer pengantin baru, are we??)

guess lists.
let see.. i've been to three different primary schools, two secondary schools, asasi undang2, dgree law bls and degree law llb n currently working in mindef..there are so many groups of people that i would like to invite.. but the big question is "if i invite them, will they come to my wedding?"
that fact kinda scares me a lot..the fact that people won't come..because there are few friends whom i did not attend their weddings, though for valid reasons, but still i did not attend. Besides that, some of them lives outside lembah klang, JOHOR for instance, i have quite a few Johor friends....will they care to come.?
some, though they live in shah alam, when invited, they already said, kl jauhlah..itu lah ini lah..shah alam jauh? belum johor lagi..kedah?? kelantan?! haih.
i am in fact being paranoid. :) mum said, jemput aje lah..insyaallah dorg mesti dtg.
that fact kinda scares me a lot..the fact that people won't come..because there are few friends whom i did not attend their weddings, though for valid reasons, but still i did not attend. Besides that, some of them lives outside lembah klang, JOHOR for instance, i have quite a few Johor friends....will they care to come.?
some, though they live in shah alam, when invited, they already said, kl jauhlah..itu lah ini lah..shah alam jauh? belum johor lagi..kedah?? kelantan?! haih.
i am in fact being paranoid. :) mum said, jemput aje lah..insyaallah dorg mesti dtg.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
cerita kompang.

caj servis kompang kat kampung2 biasanya hanya RM150-RM180 sahaja..n mereka maen kompang sgt bessss..kompang di KL mahal dan most of the time, lagu dia aneh..geram kan?
bila nak bawak kompang dari kg dtg kl,, harga mereka obviously akan naek, tp naeknya sampai rasa teraniaya..RM500?? wth?? jadi mana nak carik kompang ni??
japgi ada kwn mindef punya wedding (besssnnye..mesti at this very moment dia tgh sebok bernikah ;P) di gombak shj..perlu dtg awl, nak usha kompangnya dan dj nye skali..:)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
setem untuk kad jemputan kahwin
oleh sebab terlampau excited kad dah siap, semalam (since kl cuti) pergilah cari pejabat pos di negeri laen yang terdekat. Tujuan? nak tanya sekeping kad ni kena letak setem berapa puluh sen untuk pos nanti.
kakak pejabat pos tu pun timbang..Ya Allah hai,,mahalnya setem.. RM0.80.. sebelum buat kad haritu kami dah fikir dah fasal setem, maka, kad itu kami dah make sure tak nak pilih yang berpoket2 bagai sebab nak kasik ringan so setem akan murah. rupanya murah pun tak murah lah jugak..kad dah siap..beli je lah setem berapa puluh sen pun.. byk lah yang by hand jawabnya..:)
wonder how much one stamp costs for the card with pocket tu..kalau RM1..kalau nak pos 400 kad? dah RM400 woi.. tu belum kad yang hard cover yang mewah tu.. hahaa
so this is a reminder to any bride-to-be..jgn fikir nak kad yang gah lagi berat kalau tak berbudget duit yg lebih utk setemnya..oke?
kakak pejabat pos tu pun timbang..Ya Allah hai,,mahalnya setem.. RM0.80.. sebelum buat kad haritu kami dah fikir dah fasal setem, maka, kad itu kami dah make sure tak nak pilih yang berpoket2 bagai sebab nak kasik ringan so setem akan murah. rupanya murah pun tak murah lah jugak..kad dah siap..beli je lah setem berapa puluh sen pun.. byk lah yang by hand jawabnya..:)
wonder how much one stamp costs for the card with pocket tu..kalau RM1..kalau nak pos 400 kad? dah RM400 woi.. tu belum kad yang hard cover yang mewah tu.. hahaa
so this is a reminder to any bride-to-be..jgn fikir nak kad yang gah lagi berat kalau tak berbudget duit yg lebih utk setemnya..oke?
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